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Started up by Garret Jones, an aborinonal euntrapanuter.... came to the conclusion that for true healing we must admit to the truths in our lives and be able to communicate about those events in a non judmental, non prosicuting, and unconditonal loving manner. Solving symthoms of events is not healing, understanding, empathy and listing are the beggining.

My Political Stance would be Free Education, Free Housing, Free Clothing, Free Food, Free Transportation. I would Move to duel clean and free energy, i would remove the ai systems and computer systems and give people back their jobs, i would have services gathered together for better help and build a system based off activity instead of labour only. Positive energy into things such as hobbies and family things to personal awesomeness. Hours will be given for work on the most needy systems in place as well as positive atmosphere... we can build a safe and amazing country, one community at a time.

Project Deadly 7

One Corperation

Six Companys




Consultation ( Social Work )



This website is being continually worked on. Video Game Being Built Also Called G IV:VI - Genises 4:6

Free City Roam, RPG, FPS -> You write the story.

Some Of My experiance

Currently Have a job full time as a first responder to homlessness providing a safe loving enviroment where all are welcome and well taken care off. Regardless of what happends in their enviroment each one is loved and checked in on individually. All judgment is put aside and only empathy and understanding is what i fell while listing and provinding services needed.

Social Worker Professional Diploma

Training Tickets
.Journeyman Crane

.Food Saftey

.Non-Violence Crises ( Twice )

.Indigioues Awarness

.Med Administraion

.ASSIST Suicide Prevention

.De-escalating potetionally violent probelms

.· Class 1
· First Aid (Alberta and BC)
· QCW 2494**
· Sell safe 20200929*****

. Have had many oil field tickets and saftey awards as well for sanitation my rooms had to be lazered and signed off with the world health organization.



Nova Cannabis | Sales |  | 2021
· Unstock trucks and organize back rooms and stock
. Retail sales 300k+ Last year Part Time

Catastrophic Response | First On Site | Demolition/Restoration | March.2020 | Volunteer
· Demolishment and Restoration of Fire and Flood Victims.

Sundial Growers | Sanitation, Quality Assurance, Processing, Cultivation | Dec.2018-Jan.2020 |
· Resetting and Sanitation of Grow rooms, QA rooms, Dry rooms, sweat rooms, Bottling rooms, Vaults, and General Facility.
· Inspected marijuana (Bud, Shake,) for foreign materials and mold.
· Lead a room of inspectors to finish inspecting differing quantities of marijuana.
· Collected Samples of marijuana for analysis
· Bulk packaged marijuana for shipping and storage.
· Harvested marijuana from grow rooms.
· Drying and sweat storage of marijuana
· Rotated and fluffed marijuana for airflow and movement (stored, moist marijuana).
· Hand Trimmed marijuana of sugar leaves etc. and shaped cannabis into resale.
· Hanged Dried marijuana for curing.
· General laborer (Construction of the Facility and maintenance)
· Plant care (DE foil etc.)
· Floated between rooms and duties in the facility keeping good moral, work ethics, and precision.

Before Becoming a Full Blown Addict.

Various Other Jobs -> Fast food, Cook, Waiter, Bar tender.

All types of construction including garbage runs and land scaping

First Job 14 Years Old Mcdonalds, Worst Job experience Pig Slaughter House

· Operated and maintained chemvan
· Operated and maintained triplex/cement/nitrogen and hydraulic horsepower pumper
· Operated crane
· Fueled and maintained coil unit, reel unit, pumpers, and crane
· Iron maintenance/testing
· Spooled reels
· Class 1 driver for transporting units to location
· BOP maintenance and testing
· Shop and yard maintenance
· Operated forklift

· Ultra-sonic/visual testing
· Rebuilt chick sands and valves
· Buffed, grinded, and sandblasted iron
· Cleaned and maintained the shop
· Operated forklift

· Built/rebuild Slings
· Organized, maintained shop
· Ran a 500-ton press
· Operated forklift
· Operated Testbed

· Operated and maintained a hydraulic horsepower pumper
· Operated a tp/cement pumper
· Operated crane
· Fueled and maintained coil unit, reel unit, pumpers, and crane
· Iron maintenance/testing
· Class 1 driver for transporting units to location
· Spooled reels
· BOP maintenance
· Shop and yard maintenance
· Operated forklifts

Hi. My name is Garret Jones, I am a treaty 8 aboriginal, I am 40 Years old and have lived a life full of hurt pain, anger and loss. I was raised in both bush and city life. I was raised in both environments reservation and metroplition. I have learnt many lifeskills throughout my life. I experianed abuse right from conception to where I am now in lifes journey. Right from conception I experienced yelling and screaming and fighting in the household, I have experienced the effects of alcohol on my mind body and spirit right from the get go. My mother died at an early age as well and I was born with multiple diablitys such as FASD, Bipolar Type 2, Borderline personality disorder and ADHD. I also suffer from PTSD from the events which I have experienced in this book called life. I was raised in both traditions such as hunting and gathering to holding down a job and going to school while learning both aspects of spirituality and religion. I believe there is a God and he is everything in this world and is felt in every molecular atom present today hence gods name “ I am that I am” I have been in many situations in life where I have learnt, and experienced various skills sets. During my lifes journey I have experienced heaven and hell, rich and poor where I have learnt to rise and to fall and to never gave up so I can rise once again. Through my trauma I have become a soldier wearing my scars proudly. I have been beaten, called down, tourtured and raped, I have been chased by the devil my whole life. Having been psysically and spiritually beaten. God has never given up on me so I have never given up on myself. This puts me to where I am today where I still battle for not only my life yet the life of others as well. I lived on the streets for 7 years where my addictions attacked and tempeted me the most. I was put into foster care when I was young due to my parents choices in life and through my choice in life my daughter was taken into fostercare. My daughter is 7 years old and I have only spent a small amount of time with due to the circumstances in my life. The mother of my child is heavily gang affiliated and is member herself. I did not follow that path instead I chose to remove myself from the toxic environments I put myself into and even when things start to go wrong I pray to god to give me a escape route and one always appears. I have dabbled with most drugs and priscriptions while heavily drinking. I have been in many drug houses and eventually had my own drug house to party in and to connect with others. I didn’t realize I was building my own chains with the choices I was making in life. I hit rock bottom with my father finding me out in the cold sleeping on the curb at a gas station. Ill never Forget the pain in his face and the tears rolling down his face. I gathered all my strength to get into the car and with tears in my eyes I made a choice. I made a choice to change, change my environment completely. I left everything behind me friends family and loved ones, I left all my material possessions I then isolated myself quiting all my addictions cold turkey. It was the roughest battle going through Massive withdrawls and battling my own mind. I then made a choice to get back my daughter where I started undoing the chains that held me captive by addressing my emotions and feelings. I made choice After my withdrawls where gone to enter a detox program, I then went from detox to a duel diagnosis Treatment center where I could learn more skills to address my addiction as well as my mental health I began to address the traumatic experiances from my childhood right to my adult hood choices. I then proceeded to live with family until I had the strength to live by myself. To keep busy I got a job And to stay busy at home I picked up a new way to deal with the stress and problems of life. I picked up New habits such as playing guitar, working out, and doing various types of work to keep busy. I got a Couceller and explained everything I felt and was honest and truthful about the choices I made in my life And slowly started to undo the chains I out myself in. I made a manse with everyone who I hurt and started the journey to repairing the bridges of relationships I shattered. I now have a relationship with my daughter, my family, and friends. I died 2 years ago in a accident, I was in college at the time and was going to get kicked out beauce I was in a coma and not present for classes for a little over a month. I woke up outta my coma not knowing how to walk yet it did not hinder me at all. I was determind to keep putting in the work for change and learnt how to walk again and while in the hospital I picked up where I left off in college. I only had doctors clothes to my name and begain a journey to acquire a new place to live cause I got evicted during my time in coma and I found one. I finished my schooling and landed a job at the center of hope, where I met amazing people that helped me on my journey to full recovery. I stand today before you all because of the huge support I had from everyone I reached out too. I now sit in a amazing position in my life once again. Even thought I went trough the pits of hell I did not stay there. I kept moving upwards reaching towards to the stars. I still go threw problems and I still have temptations and have acquired enough confidence in myself and the skillset I have learnt to overcome lifes curve balls. I am grateful for God for he has never left me nd has always showen me a path to handle lifes wild ride. I keep a positive mindset enourging others with no judgment and unconditional love, I also forvage everyone that has hurt me. I deal with triggers such as people places and things I always as god for the strength to over come such triggers and a way to deal with them in a positive way. What I see for needed change for others is to be the light in their life without judgment and with Unconditional love. Right now we have a failing system.. We need more work to be done. Things I see that will help is limit the amount of people dealing with 1 person, councelling and trauma Services need to be constant. Workers need to be more emapthtic and unjusgemental. Environment Changes need to be made and when success is gained you don’t throw them to the lions on the ce again. Mental health needs to be address cause it only fuels the symthoms of addiction. We need workers to Understand the drugs used to be able to properly communicate with people using, we need a 24/7 Support group willing to talk at anytime, we need more information going out for help such as adding Information to harm reduction bags. Workers need to understand the grasp of reality… Gangs run rampant while looking like heros to the public yet behind close doors they are also supporting The drugs being distributed as well as prostitution. How can we expect change when we toss the victims Back into the environments they just came from. There are a lot of issues me must address before Expecting change in the world we have today. Our clients need to be tought about life skills such as Acountablity for our actions in life. How can you expect change when the system acts like the gang Members controlling the streets. WE NEED CHANGE, WE NEED FAITH, and WE ABSOLUTY NEED HOPE. This is just a glimpse into my life and I am standing here today to say YES THERE IS HOPE and YES WE can All Change. I AM GARRET JONES AND YES THERE IS HOPE FOR US ALL.

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